Do you have a web page that you would like to see bookmarked here, or a link that I may find useful? If so, email me and it will hopefully appear on this page.
Personal Webpages: 1) A link to the Halloween Web Page that I had made. It was my first page, but it is interesting. It has links to several bands. 2) A link to the page that feels that Sorrow Is Ungraceful. This is the latest site that I have been working on. It requires Netscape 3.0 or above. Interresting site.
Free email: 1) Hotmail.com is a site that has free email. There about several million people who take advantage of this service. 2) Yahoo.com is another site that has free email. People who have slower connections can use this email because has less graphics.
Free Virtual Flowers: 1) Virtual Flowers can be sent to anyone in the world with an email address. Suppose someone needs a card to brighten up their day, well then this place is the answer. Free Shareware Programs: 1) This site has close to a hundred thousand shareware programs. Jumbo.com is an excellent place to find software for trial purposes. 2) This site is also a good place to look for shareware programs. I utilize this link more than the rest of the others. Download.com is the place. 3) This site is the last of three that I find useful for shareware programs. Shareware.com has many other links to shareware sources.